CHANGES: Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society

Programma: Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), Missione 4 Componente 2 Investmento 1.3 finanziato dall’Unione Europea – NextGenerationEU

Coordinatore: Prof. Andrea Mazzucchi

Data inizio: 01/12/2022

Data fine: 30/11/2025

Codice del progetto: PE0000020

CUP: E53C22001650006

Costo totale: € 115.900.000

Quota UNINA: € 10.428.257,73

Quota DSU: € 5.767.823,54

Ruolo: Realizzatore Spoke 3

Hub: Fondazione Changes

Sito del progetto:


It is a well-established fact that Italy has an immense Cultural Heritage (henceforth: CH) between tangible and intangible resources that, however, fails to fully express its economic potential, i.e., the possibility of contributing directly or indirectly to the creation of wealth and, more generally, to a significant welfare improvement of the national community. It is not by chance that Italy is the country that holds the highest number of sites registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are 58 of them, recognized as “heritage of humanity”. Therefore, “enhancing” the value of Italy’s cultural heritage is a national priority and an objective that must not be ignored, if we wish to relaunch our economy and get forward on the road to development and competitiveness.

The great opportunities of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (NRRP) as a part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) Programme, together with a favorable situation of research funding for University and Research systems in our country, lead to a rethinking of policies for the enhancement of CH and, more generally, to a substantial revision of public intervention that favors integration and coordination as tools aimed at improving the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the public apparatus as a whole. Beyond the necessity of an improved quality level of institutional coordination for the CH sector, there is also an absolute priority for empowerment requests stemming from civil society and the entrepreneurial world.

The Hub & Spoke structure of CHANGES project is organized in 9 thematic functional spokes, where the Department of Humanities – University of Naples “Federico II” is Spoke 3 Leader – DIGITAL LIBRARIES, ARCHIVES AND PHILOLOGY.