GAMELAND – Gamification Assets for Multisensorial Educative tools in Language learning using co-creation for addressing Needs and Desires of students

Programma: Erasmus +

Coordinatore: Prof. Pasquale Sabbatino


Area: 10

Data inizio: 01/10/2022

Data fine: 30/09/2025

Costo totale: € 250.000,00

Ente capofila: : Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Altri partner: UNIWERSYTET IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA W POZNANIU (Polonia), Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Turchia), Université RENNES II (Francia), Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ucraina), SMARTED srl (Italia)


The project aims to improve/integrate the teaching methodology in language teaching centres at universities in 5 countries (Poland, Italy, France, Ukraine and Turkey) with the needs of the labour market by developing innovative and inclusive
learning tools based on the Mobile Learning paradigm and Game-Based Learning methodology. These activities are intended to prepare students to enter foreign labour markets and/or take up employment in an international, multicultural
and multilingual environment.
GAMEland aims to:
● to develop a methodology (WP1) for students to learn a foreign language (and in particular elements of a specialised language) using inclusive and multisensory methodologies based on Mobile Learning;
● to develop an engaging, autonomous tool including Artificial Intelligence modules, in form of a serious game (WP2) that can be used in the future for self-learning without the support of a tutor, providing an online tool for teachers and lecturers employed at university language centres in terms of integrating the innovative tool in the education process and preparing them to conduct language education taking into account the needs of the labour market;
● to involve lecturers in LSP and students in co-creation process (WP3), building hybrid games (physical and digital) in a foreign language, building profiles of protagonists and storyline, designing real-life situations, challenges and feedback;
● to produce guidelines and recommendations (WP4), aimed at strengthening cooperation between people teaching languages at university level and the labour market (companies, enterprises, high-level staff, HR departments), which will increase the effectiveness and attractiveness of language courses
As indirect aims we foresee:
● to support the European labour market through the preparation of a comprehensive training course designed to prepare young people to take up professional challenges in different cultural contexts.
● to strengthen cooperation between representatives of university environments and representatives of labour markets in the field of improving language and soft skills of future graduates